Microsoft Fabric Exploration

Microsoft Fabric pitches itself to be a complete end-to-end analytics solution. I did a deep dive by using dummy data in my personal Azure & Fabric accounts and explored things like:
  • How data can be referenced in Fabric from Azure Data Lake Gen2 using Fabric Shortcut.
  • Pulling data from Azure Databricks using Fabric Dataflow Gen2 (ETL) and applying transformations.
  • Creating data engineering pipelines in Fabric using triggers and notebooks to output data to Fabric Warehouse, where it can be queried using SQL.
  • Creating separate Lakehouse for Data Science projects.
  • Visualizing predictions from DS project in Power BI.
I made the below chart to show what my Fabric exploration looked like. Click/hover over the icons to see what Fabric exploration looked like.
I found Microsoft Fabric to be user-friendly and suited for businesses new to data exploration. There are still some areas of improvement before it can be implemented for large scale companies with complex data problems.